The FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health issued a statement on medical device supply chain vulnerabilities, the public health impact they have on patient care, the FDA’s actions to prevent ...
A 35-year-old male patient, tracheostomised for about 10 years, presented to our hospital with a dyspnoea of 2 days duration. There was a history of accidental decannulation of the tracheostomy tube ...
"Some of the things that were cited in the subcommittee hearing in terms of dealing with colostomy bags and trachs, things like that, those are not things that athletic trainers do," Newman told ...
"Some of the things that were cited in the subcommittee hearing in terms of dealing with colostomy bags and trachs, things like that, those are not things that athletic trainers do," Newman told Local ...
“They all have trachs.” Knowing the importance of the work that she does, Lawson was one of the nurses who volunteered last week during the snowstorm to spend the night in the hospital.