A 35-year-old male patient, tracheostomised for about 10 years, presented to our hospital with a dyspnoea of 2 days duration. There was a history of accidental decannulation of the tracheostomy tube ...
The FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health issued a statement on medical device supply chain vulnerabilities, the public health impact they have on patient care, the FDA’s actions to prevent ...
For those looking for a long-lasting, velvety touch, silicone-based lubricants are the preferred choice. Unlike water-based variants, these do not evaporate or get absorbed into the skin ...
Plastic-based toothpaste tubes have traditionally been hard to recycle, with their flexible layers of mixed materials a thorn in the side of council recycling schemes and diligent recyclers alike.
Drs Kaniksha Desai and Johnson Thomas discuss how artificial intelligence is being used in diagnosing and managing thyroid disease, along with its future implications.