"Swan Lake" is a ballet masterpiece that tells the story of a prince who falls in love with a beautiful swan princess under a spell. The ballet is renowned for its stunning choreography, intricate set ...
Li Jihong, who also served as the Chinese translator for The Little Prince, is helming the work-in-progress, which he describes as a ” new animation movie [that] will tell the entangling and ...
Then head into Arc Cinema for a captivating blend of dramatic, romantic and cinematic films, all curated to express the vibrant intensity of summer heat: thought-provoking features and nostalgic ...
The original animated movie follows Lilo (voiced by Daveigh Chase), an eccentric six-year-old girl being raised in Hawaii by her older sister Nani (Tia Carrere) after their parents die in a car crash.
Learn more. Robert Eggers is one of those directors who always puts out exactly the movie he wants. I’m not saying that as a comment on his professionalism or his attitude, I’m saying that ...