That's why it's helpful to know how to get crayon off the wall! If you can't prevent it, the best thing to do is learn how to clean up after them. Besides, watching your kids tap into their creativity ...
Getting rid of limescale from your toilet can be a tricky business, but a professional cleaner has shared their quick and easy trick for removing the very worst of stains in under a minute ...
Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a staple in most households, often relegated to the back of the pantry until it's time to bake cookies or cakes. Yet, this humble white powder is far more ...
Plenty of whitening products on the market can make a difference in coffee stains, but they are only as good as my willingness to use them. For me, whitening pens never seemed to make my teeth whiter.
Simply wet the stain and pour the juice directly on it; after leaving it on for an hour, wash the clothing with your regular detergent. You can also try using baking soda to work stubborn stains out ...
For instance, she said that “anyone who is especially prone to caries (cavities) or have dental sensitivity, a fluoride-containing mouthwash can help to strengthen the teeth and prevent cariogenic ...
Champagne, sparkling wines and fizzy cocktails are all the rage on New Year's Eve, but beware the phenomenon known as "prosecco teeth" or "prosecco smile." Getty Images/iStockphoto What a buzzkill.