Female Guinea baboons prefer skilled males for immediate benefits, revealing insights into primate social behavior and ...
More than 100,000 nonhuman primates, including baboons, macaques, marmosets, and other monkeys, are held or used for research ...
A man using a baboon patrol flag to help baboons cross the road in Simon's Town, Western Cape, has many people in stitches.
Our animal friends can be amusing. The annual wildlife photo competition celebrates the silly side of the animal kingdom.
A man in Cape Town helped baboons cross a road safely. South Africans were touched by the video of the troop of baboons using ...
A recent dogfighting incident in Ivory Park highlights the urgent need for change. It’s time we stop animal cruelty and start ...
Five lions were sprawled out and sunning on rocks alongside Kenya’s Voi River. Hippos wallowed nearby. Elephants drank and ...