If 90% of your devices using the same power supply, that last 10% starts feeling very antiquated. So why should your breadboard be any different? [Axiometa] has recently unveiled a simple PCB that ...
In needs an external n-channel power mosfet, and can implement buck, boost, buck-boost or SEPIC (single-ended primary-inductance converter, pictured) topologies. Operation is from 4.7 to 85V, covering ...
Called NEH7100BU, it can mediate between a harvesting power source, a USB charger, a battery (or capacitor) and the load. To maximise power extracted from photovoltaic cells, which have variable ...
The amp takes inspiration and technology from the Edge M monoblock power amplifier, with Cambridge Audio stating that the EXA100 uses the same power transistors found in its flagship sibling.