Those who serve in the U.S. military receive a well-deserved retirement benefit after at least 20 years of service, or earlier if you are injured or discharged due to a debilitating medical condition.
I applaud them for their action. Now it is time for Congress to repeal the unfair law concerning retired military that have a disability and a retirement pay for 20 (or more) years of good and ...
Two Soldiers and two civilians with a collective 144 years of service were honored at the quarterly Installation Retirement Ceremony ... commanding general of U.S. Army Intelligence Center of ...
In short, the Seven Core Army Values listed below are what being a Soldier is all about. Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, the Army, your unit and other Soldiers.
Many troops may already be saving 5% of their pay for retirement since that's how much the military's Blended Retirement System matches dollar for dollar. Service members "need to be putting in ...
The Military OneSource program's 14 MilLife Guides provide introductions and links to tools to help with topics including the Blended Retirement System, Borrowing, Budgeting and Saving ...
Wide disparities exist between White and non-White future retirees—a "racial retirement wealth gap" PeopleImages / Getty Images Studies of how much Americans have saved for retirement show ...