Regarded as the epitome of cooking anime, Food Wars follows the journey of Soma Yukihira, an aspiring chef with ambitions of attaining culinary greatness. He enrolls at the Tootsuki Culinary Academy ...
Ever since its creation in 1986, J.C.Staff has been one of anime's leading studios. While the company doesn't always get the acclaim of some of its competitors, such as Madhouse or Studio Ghibli, J.C.
We used Home Chef for a couple of years back in 2017-2018. It went pretty well, just got old. Reactivated back in May of 2024. After multiple issues with incorrect items or missing ingredients we ...
With Uka and her classmates lost in the mountains, don’t miss Honey Lemon Soda Episode 4 to find out if the group makes it back home safely. Get the release date, recap and more here.