Based on the manga by Mayu Murata with twenty-five volumes available in Japanese and a live-action film as of this writing, the story follows Uka Ishimori as she navigates high school. In middle ...
As I said in my review of Blue Exorcist 's previous season, the show's storytelling is obvious but enjoyable; and effective, too. A pity the trip to Mexico is so brief—blink and you'll miss the ...
ZENSHU Episode 3 does a great job of entertaining viewers and features many narrative improvements from the previous episode. The post REVIEW: ‘ZENSHU’ Episode 3 — “DESTINY” appeared first on But Why ...
This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Steve Haining and Ciara Antoski went deeper than the no-decompression limit at a wreck in 50 metres of water off the coast ...