Nail extensions, also commonly known as artificial nails, have become quite popular among women these days. It is an easy and ...
Dr Mazin Al-Khafaji warned that nail polish and earrings can cause a certain type of skin condition that can lead to painful ...
Soon after a CT scan, she died. The cause of death revealed in the post-mortem shocked everyone: the woman died due to an allergy to the dye given to her for the scan. According to The Sun, ...
A pilot caused chaos at 35,000ft after suffering an allergic reaction from a tarantula bite. The Iberia plane’s onwards journey was delayed so it could be fumigated and the pilot, said to be ...
Supposedly, research shows a change of mind with penicillin allergies, and a past rash is no longer an indicator of an allergy. Please share your thoughts and knowledge. — D.W. ANSWER ...
Supposedly, research shows a change of mind with penicillin allergies, and a past rash is no longer an indicator of an allergy. Please share your thoughts. — D.W. Answer: It isn’t always easy ...
A teenager with a severe allergy died after his partner ate peanuts before they had sex. The teen began experiencing problems breathing during the act and used an inhaler - which he carried with ...
Newsweek has contacted Kayco, via email, for comment. People who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to milk run the risk of a serious or life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume ...
If you have allergies, you know how frustrating it is when symptoms flare up indoors. Even when your home looks spotless, dust, pollen and pet dander linger in the air, making it hard to breathe ...
ALBANY, Ga. (WALB) - If your allergies have been acting up this past week, medical professionals say you are not alone. According to, the allergy index jumped this week to medium in ...
“Those with an allergy or severe sensitivity to milk run the risk of a serious or life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume the recalled product.” The mixes were distributed to ...