在上海举办的完美世界《反恐精英2》2024年Major赛事中,17岁的天才少年Donk在决赛中展现惊人实力,以1.67的Rating带领Spirit战队以2-1击败FaZe战队夺得 ...
北京时间1月12日凌晨,HLTV2024颁奖典礼如期进行,CS2年度TOP榜单正式揭晓前3名排行,donk荣膺TOP1,m0NESY、ZywOo分列2、3位。 17岁的绿龙步枪手Danil “donk ...
The Impala broke all records in 1965 when it sold over 1 million units in one year, but the car continued to sell strong in the next years. While the Caprice becoming a stand-alone series in 1966 ...
RuPaul's Drag Race season 17 aired episode 2 this week on Friday, January 10, 2025. The segment saw Hormona and Acacia end up in the bottom and had to lipsync to save themselves. However, Badonka ...
WWE Friday Night SmackDown will begin a three-hour format on January 3, 2025. The event will feature matches like Nia Jax vs. Naomi for the Women's Championship and Shinsuke Nakamura vs.
However, instead of a new Chevy Malibu that would have made some people think 'same old, same old,' most likely, he proceeded to bring back the legendary Chevrolet Impala from car Valhalla ...
2024年12月15日,完美世界电竞主办的2024上海Major落下帷幕,在这场全球关注的赛事中,Team Spirit战队以2-1战胜FaZe Clan,首次斩获Major冠军,而年仅17岁的超新星donk则成为历史上最年轻的赛事MVP,这让整个电竞界为之一振。 上海Major:首次亮相的震撼 作为全球知名的 ...
这两支队伍在全球范围内均有大批拥趸。 率队首次进入Major决赛后,Spirit明星选手donk曾坦言,本次Major是最特别的比赛,他很喜欢上海,希望在这里拿到冠军。 虽然年仅17岁,但donk被视为今年CS最佳选手的第一候选。他在15日晚的决赛中再次展现了自己的过人实力。