If you’re a person — of any age and any gender — you have a pelvic floor. And studies show that 1 in 3 women, 1 in 2 women who have given birth, and 16% of men will experience a pelvic floor ...
Before Akira arrived, like any pregnant woman having their first child, I had so many preconceived ideas about what motherhood would be like and what my child would be like. I would be a mother ...
“You won’t be reading books on how to become a parent, trust me. Once the baby’s here, it’s almost like you know. It just comes naturally.” I respect mothers more than ever now.
No baby bump in the world can come between Victoria Beckham and her love of form-fitting dresses! (As it should be!) Here she is in 1998 pregnant with first child, Brooklyn.Peter Jordan - PA ...
I’ve always been a late bloomer. I had my first kiss at age 17, my first date at 19, and at age 41, I had my first abortion. In January 2017, I spent the 27th week of my pregnancy in a ...
My 7-year-old is a CrossFit devotee from afar. He freezes every time we pass the one on our block to stare at the biggest muscles engaged in the most extreme act of strength training. At home, he ...
At 4 a.m. on her due date, Sarah Chapin woke up to irregular contractions. They were nothing intense enough to cause Chapin to panic. This was her third pregnancy, and she knew the drill.
“How old is your daughter?” the retreat leader asked me. We’d just met in Sayulita, Mexico. I was there for a week to do yoga and meditation, and to relax and drink straight from coconuts.
In my work with parents who are caring for a child with an eating disorder, I’ve become keenly aware of the language we use when talking about kids and food. Our words can shape our attitudes ...
“Can I help you?” a shopkeeper asks Bandit after a particularly challenging grocery run.“I wish you could mate,” Bandit replies, referring to help with his rambunctious kids.Bluey ...