The Quadrantid meteor shower is active from late December 2024 to early January 2025. It will peak on 3–4 January. Read on for tips on how to catch the best view of this stunning shower from planetary ...
We offer courses for different abilities, so if you are a postgraduate student looking for further study opportunities, a professional looking to upskill or someone who wants to learn more about our ...
Can you find Dippy's nostrils? What feature does Diplodocus share with humans but few other dinosaurs? Rotate, zoom in and explore the features of this popular dinosaur.
I graduated at the University of Turin (Italy) and completed two Masters and my PhD studies in Marseilles (France) before arriving at the Natural History Museum (NHM, London, UK) in 2002 with a ...
Browse the oldest and most important entomology collection in the world with over 30 million insects. Gathered over 300 years, these specimens are key to telling the history of collecting, the science ...
After an incredible 16 years of ice skating at the Museum, the five-acre gardens on which the rink used to sit have now been transformed into a hub for urban wildlife. This is part of a national ...
They could beat a horse in a race and survive a blizzard. No challenge is too much for these butterflies and moths. Beating the competition is everything, and it has forced some species to grow faster ...
Answering the big science questions around climate change and the diversity of life requires lots of data, and our researchers can't gather this alone. You can make a difference. Our community science ...
Is your New Year's resolution to get rid of single-use plastic? Beeswax wraps are a popular choice for replacing cling film. These homemade food wraps are reusable and very quick to make. 1. Cut the ...