Among the 38,000 known spider species in the world, about 100 species have venom that is detrimental to humans. In North America, only the widow spiders in the genus Latrodectus and the recluse ...
Bed bugs are tiny parasites that seek out sleeping people or animals for a blood meal. They are attracted to the CO 2 that you exhale, your body heat and your smell. After feeding, they hide. It is ...
Many people will enter places they suspect may have bed bugs. Home health workers, maintenance and cleaning personnel, persons making deliveries and installations, travelers, first responders and ...
The following is a list of landscape plants rated according to their resistance to deer damage. The list was compiled with input from nursery and landscape professionals, Rutgers New Jersey ...
There are at least 13,000 species of lichens living throughout the world. Lichen species are so numerous and diverse that there are individual exceptions to most general statements about them.
Changlu Wang, Extension Specialist in Entomology George Hamilton, Extension Specialist in Pest Management, Rutgers University The most common species is the black carpenter ant. It is among the ...
From Rt. 537, take Kozloski Rd. south to Burlington Rd. (first traffic light). There will be signs to the Ag Building. From Route 33, take Kozloski Rd. north to the 2nd traffic light (Burlington Rd.) ...
Hydrangeas are great plants for the garden whose many benefits have been well recognized by gardeners over the centuries. They provide floral and occasionally foliar interest beginning in late spring ...
This fact sheet was originally authored in 1993 by Wayne Crans, now a Professor Emeritus of Entomology. It has been updated with the latest data on Eastern equine encephalitis transmission, including ...
Among the approximately 70 cockroach species found in the U.S., German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.), is the most common due to its small size, short life cycle, and the ability to develop ...