If you have a credit on your account from an award not required to be applied to your student account that is not required to be applied to current or future fees (normally identified with DNR_xxx) ...
The Earth Sciences program trains geoscientists — scientists who study the Earth and other planets in order to better understand their origin and history. Using this knowledge, geologists find the ...
The Canada Research Chairs program was created by the federal government in 2000 to attract and retain top researchers. Canada Research Chairs (CRCs) are nationally recognized experts who contribute ...
The Cairns’ Family Health and Bioscience Research Complex is a 169,000 sq. ft. 4 storey plus basement building that will be located immediately east of Plaza Building and west of Glenridge Avenue. The ...
Programs may remain on the application after the deadlines stated below, however due to the competitive nature and capacity limits of many programs, applying by the deadline is strongly recommended.
Sing a short unaccompanied song of your own choice Sing an ascending and descending major scale on solfege or a neutral syllable (ie. “la” or “loo”) Sight-sing a short melody on solfege or a neutral ...
Our Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program combines professionally oriented business courses with studies in social sciences, humanities and mathematics and science. A combination of case ...
These programs are designed for those working or aspiring to work in adult learning environments, including post-secondary contexts and training and development in public and private sectors, such as ...
Political Science appeals to students interested in government, law and international affairs and those who want to understand the shaping of our political world. The Brock MA in Political Science ...
Donor-supported student awards and bursaries allow incoming and current graduate students to pursue their dreams and study world-class research. We thank our many alumni, friends, corporations, ...