The Dubai Investment Fund invests in cutting-edge technologies to combat plastic pollution in the world's oceans, showcasing ...
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is one of the most polluted areas of the ocean. 22-year-old Boyan Slat has a potential cleanup solution. The Ocean Cleanup uses a boom to capture plastic and keep ...
Coral reefs are pivotal for the sustenance of life but an NGO's well-meaning effort to create an artificial reef in the late ...
These giant pipes could help clean the ocean The Ocean Cleanup project was created by Boyan Slat at the age of 22. $30 Million has been raised to fund his idea. It's set to help clean up the Great ...
The ambitious project by The Ocean Cleanup, a Dutch non-profit group, hopes to clean up half of the infamous garbage patch within five years when all systems are deployed. After five years of ...
The oceans are humanity’s greatest resource and they are hurting. Our project attempts to analyze the Booz Allen Hamilton Ocean Cleanup data in order to assess cleanup activity, optimize the effort, ...
As concerns grow about plastics in the ocean, groups warn about how clean-up efforts can hurt maritime environs (Photo: PantherMedia/ead72) OceanCare plastics policy expert Ewoud Lauwerier added that ...
On Saturday, a group of Perth conservationists will brave predicted bad weather to embark on a mammoth ocean clean-up. The Narc Dive Club has been cleaning up WA harbours, oceans and rivers for nine ...