D-printed homes are fire-resistant and offer protection from wildfires. What makes these homes fire-resistant? Why should we ...
The printer arm moves around building up layers, says one of those involved in the country's first 3D printed show home.
From a hurricane-resistant home to artificial marine reefs, Printera's 3D printing is paving the way for cheaper construction ...
The U.S. Army unveiled the first 3D-printed barracks, which were built as part of a pilot project to improve soldiers' living ...
Advancements and Projections in the 3D Printing Construction Market: Insights, Trends, Opportunities, and Recent ...
To develop the material for the 3D-printed moisture absorbing walls, the team used finely ground marble quarry waste and a ...
As 3D-printed architecture continues to mature from niche proposition to disruptive technology, housing developments are ...
Controlling indoor humidity is a significant challenge in construction and building maintenance. High humidity fosters mold, ...
MIT researchers 3D print formwork molds using mud - replacing the more costly wood formworks for concrete construction.
Aligned with the UAE’s ambitious goal of incorporating 3D printing into 25% of all new buildings by 2030, it continues to ...