Charm Cable Constructions Inc lancia sul mercato tre nuovi cavi, punta di diamante della propria nuova gamma di fili elettrici con connettori talmente "maschi" che sviteranno le connessioni del vostro ...
Time and time again I hear, or read on forums and the like, of people asking what upgrade route they should take. "The sound's too dull/bright/no-dynamics/boomy ...
Much to my shame my original text contained an important error. It read that the Shure M97xE body is compatible with the VN5MR replacement stylus, while in reality it ...
Garrard Labs was a Company that between the 60s and the 80s designed and built many turntables and some of these are considered, even today, nice examples of high precision craftsmanship and of a ...
Meridian is one of those companies that seem to go their own way in audio land, not following others but choosing their own destiny. Meridian has done more than most to shape the way hifi is at the ...
Se avete frequentato qualche negozio audiophile o qualche Mostra del settore non avrete potuto non far caso alla popolarità di certi dischi, usati di frequente per prove di apparecchi o di impianti.
Iniziai a fabbricarmi cavi di segnale fin da quando, per la prima volta, mi interessai all'autocostruzione nel mondo dell'Hi-Fi. A quel tempo ero abbastanza cosciente che la scelta dei cavi ha un ...
An exciting new home entertainment technology was in its infancy, and two incompatible systems were duking it out for consumers' hearts and wallets. The technology's originator had the ...
This is not the first time TNT-Audio reviews JPS cables. For example, I tested the reference SuperConductor 2 interconnects and the Power AC mains cable while Nels Ferré reviewed the UltraConductor ...
Frequency response: Less than +/- 0.5 dB deviation 20Hz-20kHz Phase response: Less than 5 degrees deviation 20Hz-20kHz, or less than 2 degrees deviation 20Hz-20kHz, depending which Consonance/Opera ...
Some products are more inspiring than others and for non-audiophiles it can be a little bit difficult to understand our enthusiasm for equipment that only looks just like a box to anybody else. DACs ...
Lo scopo di questa mini-monografia è quello di far un po' di chiarezza sulle diverse modalità di collegare un amplificatore alle casse, un argomento piuttosto confuso e nebuloso specie per i neofiti.