There are many ways Epilepsy Action can help support you and your loved ones. Our trained advisors can give you an idea of our services or provide the answers and resources you need.
Medical cannabis is legal in the UK. This means that in some circumstances, specialist doctors may prescribe it to treat epilepsy. On this page, we talk about the different types of medical cannabis ...
For some people, drinking alcohol is a big part of their social life. This page is to help you understand how alcohol could affect you and your epilepsy. Drinking alcohol can affect your epilepsy, so ...
The ketogenic diet, or ketogenic diet therapy, is sometimes used as a treatment for epilepsy. For some children and adults, the ketogenic diet helps to control their seizures. There are different ...
You may be able to claim benefits if you have epilepsy. There are also other financial support schemes available. This page has information about financial support for people with epilepsy and their ...
This page shares advice to support you to find and stay in work if you have epilepsy. Find out about your rights and how employers can support you. It also has information about what you can do if you ...
Many people with epilepsy report problems with their memory. On this page we explain how memory works, how epilepsy can affect memory, and look at things you can do to help cope with memory problems.
Here we give information about safety equipment available to help people living with epilepsy. Find out more about the different types of safety equipment, including where you can buy them and ...
Some people with epilepsy experience anxiety. This information explains what anxiety is and looks at the relationship between anxiety and epilepsy. It also covers treatments and self-help resources ...