The iPhone 13 still has a lot to offer, and while it's getting harder to find, you can still save money if you know where to ...
The iPhone 13 models have an internal storage capacity of up to 128GB. Surprisingly, the iPhone 13 and its mini version can request to expand their internal storage space up to 512GB. Additionally ...
随着国家补贴政策的推行,苹果最新的一款智能手机iPhone 13的价格已跌破3000元,让广大消费者为之振奋。这一消息源于京东平台上的销售页面,标记为2999元。这标志着iPhone 13 128GB版本的价格创下新低,而其余主力机型如iPhone 15和16也能享受到相应的补贴,这不仅为苹果用户带来了更实惠的选择,同时也对整个智能手机市场产生了深远的影响。 苹果iPhone 13配备了6.1英寸 ...
【CNMO科技消息】1月20日开始,购买手机、平板电脑和智能手表等数码产品将能享受到国家补贴,每件最高补500元。国补后,128GB版本的苹果iPhone 13售价从3499元降至2999元,吸引了不少网友关注。不过,近日CNMO注意到,iPhone ...
1月22日消息,日前3C数码国补正式开启,个人消费者购买手机、平板、智能手表手环等3类数码产品最高补贴500元。有网友发现,在电商平台上iPhone 13 128GB版售价为3499元,国补500元后,到手价仅需2999元。iPhone ...
If you’ve been holding out for a chance to grab an iPhone at a lower price, now’s your moment! The iPhone 13 (Blue, 128 GB) is available on Flipkart at a discounted price of Rs. 44,999, down from its ...