Yoga nidra is a practice that combines guided imagery and the yoga posture known as “corpse pose” – a lying down supine pose ...
睡眠瑜伽 (Yoga Nidra)是一种古老的冥想练习,可追溯到5000多年前的古印度。 练习睡眠瑜伽可让身心达到深度的放松,并有效的提高睡眠质量。 SBS ...
Enter: yoga nidra. "Yoga nidra is a guided meditation rooted in ancient yogic traditions that follows a systematic relaxation ...
In the area of mental relaxation and meditation, shavasana and the sitting postures maintain the balance by their equal input of physical stimuli. Yoga Nidra is a systematic method of inducing ...
The Ministry of Ayush has successfully spearheaded 10 editions of International Day of Yoga, each receiving enthusiastic participation worldwide.