新款XSX数字版自上市以来备受关注,产品颜色从传统的碳黑变为明亮的白色,给人耳目一新的感觉。该设备的外包装简单、设计考究,包装上标明了1TB的SSD硬盘容量,虽然实际可用空间约为800GB,但依旧足以满足多数玩家的需求。该主机支持4K ...
Along with its buttery-smooth framerate, Devil May Cry 5 is also presented at a native 4K resolution on One X, which is a huge improvement over the standard Xbox One's 900p resolution. As you ...
在独占PS4和PS5四年后,米哈游的《原神》现已在Xbox Series X/S上推出。游戏在Series X上支持4K和HDR,并且Game Pass Ultimate会员还可以使用Xbox云游戏进行游戏。
On the whole, you can expect your games to look and play better than ever on the Xbox Series X, but don’t expect every AAA title to deliver buttery smooth 4K gameplay out of the box. 4K/60 was always ...
The optimized version for the Xbox Series X will run at 4K and a smooth 60 fps, making the whole experience plain sailing on Microsoft's flagship games console. Finally a fun Star Wars game that ...
侄子在高考中发挥出色,顺利考上了心仪的大学。为了庆祝这个好消息,我决定给他一个特别的礼物——一部Xbox游戏机。今天,我趁着回家的机会,准备帮侄子完成他的游戏梦想。 经过一番挑选,我最终选择了微软的Xbox Series S ...
As it turns out, the PS5 Pro features the same spec as the PS5 in this area, specifically including 32Gbps of HDMI 2.1 ...
The best monitors for Xbox Series X are not only often cheaper than high-end gaming TVs, they offer their own features that make them well worth considering. They are generally smaller ...