Galileo Technologies Inc.(一家专门开发 AI 模型观察和评估工具的公司)今天推出了 Agentic Evaluations 平台,该平台旨在评估由大语言模型驱动的 AI 代理系统的性能。
在人工智能飞速发展的今天,各类AI代理系统日益成为企业提升工作效率的重要工具。近日,Galileo Technologies ...
在当今科技飞速发展的时代,Galileo Technologies Inc. 最近推出的AgenticEvaluations平台看起来像是一把钥匙,打开了AI代理系统性能评估的大门。你可曾想过,这些智能化软件如何在几乎无人监督下,自主规划、推理并执行任务?不过,虽然它们功能强大,但也带来了复杂性,尤其是在故障问题处理上,让开发者们头疼。
Galileo launches Agentic Evaluations to help enterprises evaluate and monitor AI agents, securing $68M in funding as companies like Cisco adopt its platform for safer AI deployment.
On a cold January day in 1642, Galileo Galilei took his last breath, silenced by age but never by the inquisitors who tried to break his spirit. Exactly 300 years later, on January 8, 1942 ...
Well, any of us who has ever looked through a telescope could say the same, for the two principal types in use today were developed by giants: the refractor by Galileo and the reflector by Newton.
Galileo Galilei was the founder of modern physics. To assess such a claim requires that we make a giant leap of the imagination to transport us to a state of ignorance about even the most ...
A young Galileo is perched atop the Leaning Tower of Pisa. He is in the middle of his famous experiment—the one in which he shows, by dropping cannonballs of different weights, that all objects ...
GALILEO: Good morning, guys, I hope you're having a lovely day. I am Galileo Galilei, a scientist from Italy and I am the man who is making some exciting discoveries around force and I am here ...
Galileo Galilei – often referred to just as Galileo – is someone who often needs no introduction. An Italian astronomer, physicist, mathematician, and philosopher, Galileo was a polymath who ...