How to prune crape myrtle is always a popular subject whenever I make a presentation about pruning trees. The discussion always centers around how far back you should prune them. Unfortunately ...
Time outdoors is always a pleasure. One of my personal favorite tasks in getting ready for spring is pruning trees and shrubs. Crepe Myrtles are small, multi-trunked trees that too many gardeners ...
Pruning your crepe myrtles too early can actually have a couple of negative impacts. First, you'll remove any of the buffer between your plant and a harsh winter season. For example, if there's a ...
While February is a great month for pruning, that will also be affected by weather. The weather can dictate when plants begin breaking dormancy. Too many days with 50- to 60-degree temperatures can ...
Identifying a dominant leader and cutting away any competing leaders when a tree is young will allow it to grow more robustly and live longer, said a local certified arborist.