Verizon home phone is hard to beat. Can I cancel Fios Digital Voice Unlimited? If you call during business hours, you should be able to speak with a helpful agent about canceling your service. Is ...
More than ever, small businesses are leveraging technology to meet rapidly changing customer needs. According to the Verizon ...
Verizon posted strong wireless and broadband subscriber growth. The company has a well-covered dividend that should continue ...
Verizon has earned the trust of the U.S. Armed Forces through a number of contract wins, including a 10-year, $2.67 billion multiple award contract with the U.S. Navy, a $1 billion DoD engagement to ...
Verizon will support vital digital transformation initiatives within the military, including advanced training and telemedicine services. Verizon Business has been awarded a significant contract ...
Verizon Business has unveiled Verizon AI Connect, offering a suite of solutions to scale artificial intelligence operations.
“Through our Verizon Small Business Digital Ready platform, business owners have free access to dozens of courses and resources in both English and Spanish to help them understand how to run a ...