The Transformers franchise has continually built upon the mythology of the "13 Primes" in the past few decades. Now, this is manifesting in the series' latest toy line, which Hasbro is unleashing ...
The next version of the main Transformers toy line is focused mainly on the Primes, especially those that came before Optimus Prime. However, one anime-derived Autobot showcases the secondary ...
Transformers has had more animated series than we can count but not nearly as many representations of the warring robots in ...
Hasbro has unveiled five upcoming additions to its Transformers Studio Series line – Optimus Prime figures from Transformers: ...
Set on Cybertron, “Transformers One” is the origin story of how Optimus Prime (voiced by Chris Hemsworth) and Megatron (Brian Tyree Henry) go from the closest friends to sworn enemies.