Tokyo, a bustling metropolis with a population of 14 million, was once known as Edo. The city’s transformation began over 400 ...
A young Sci-Fi writer politician in Tokyo wants to govern the nation with AI, and has announced he will create a tool to ...
The Tokyo Olympics, already delayed by the pandemic, are not looking like much fun: Not for athletes. Not for fans. And not for the Japanese public. They are caught between concerns about the ...
(Teleborsa) - Tokyo climbs a notch, with the Nikkei 225 up a fractional +0.37%; similarly, Shenzhen delivers positive performance, trading +1.09% up over the previous close. Hong Kong is slightly ...
(Teleborsa) - Tokyo climbs a notch, with the Nikkei 225 up a fractional +0.49%; similarly, Shenzhen gains +1.36% over the previous session. Hong Kong is only just in the black (+0.58%); Seul is ...