Earliest inner solar system planetesimals shaped the inventory of moderately volatile elements in terrestrial planets.
Simpson and Chen ran mathematical models looking at how differently sized Earth-like worlds would have affected the rest of ...
This finding explains the discrepancy between the number of basins detected on the Moon (~40) and the number predicted (~300) by an accretion scenario of planet formation.
A super-Earth planet that dips in and out of its star's habitable zone has been discovered just 19.7 light-years away.
While the composition of gas and dust in a molecular cloud is fairly uniform, everything changes once a star begins to form.
Exoplanets have captured the imagination of the public and scientists alike and as the search continues for more, researchers ...
Because many close-matching simulations had the planet-like object swooping through the inner solar system, the researchers created an additional 10,000 simulations including the terrestrial ...