George has sensory sensitivities and gets easily overwhelmed by sounds and visuals. George also has anxiety and is afraid of public restrooms. George’s fear of public restrooms is a bit more ...
Mental health among teens has emerged as a critical concern in recent years. With the pressures of academics, social dynamics, and the online world bearing down on young people, the need for immediate ...
As we told you earlier, George’s fear of public bathrooms is an example of a fear that has overlap between anxiety and sound sensitivity. He is worried about germs, but he is also anxious about going ...
New research published in Affective Science sheds light on how preferences for digital communication over face-to-face interaction are connected to social anxiety in adolescents. Using a novel ...
I believe that strengthening confidence in our youth is an antidote to teen anxiety. How do teens grow in confidence? What can parents and schools do to help? Recently, I met with a group of eight ...