Learn how to identify a Lincoln's sparrow. In fall and winter, song sparrows eat small weed and grass seeds. In summer, these small birds eat lots of insects. Attract them to a ground-level tray ...
In late morning on a bitterly cold day this week, with the outside temperature at 26 degrees, I heard the unmistakable “teakettle, teakettle” song of a Carolina wren from somewhere in my yard in ...
High chips when excited. Song: begins with 2 loud, clear notes, followed by a series of rich, melodious notes and trills and unmusical buzzes. Sings one of the longest sparrow songs.
00 00 Listening to the chorus of the song, beginning: 'Birds of the North ... 05 34 Learning Verse 1, beginning: 'Sparrow and Falcon...' Noting that each verse has just five notes, that ...