With adjustable headrests and an incredibly spacious design, this is a sofa bed that turns into the movie night set up of dreams when expanded into its full capacity. While this Adonis VI sofa bed ...
Yes, sleeper sofas are still a thing, but not how you might remember them; if a creaky contraption with lumpy springs comes to mind, then your idea of one is as dusty as the pull-out mattress in ...
We use the sofa to sit, nap, eat food, watch TV, use laptops or mobile phones. For many, a great sofa set becomes the centrepoint of the house. Having a sofa set that suits your requirement and ...
Sleeper sofas are nothing new, but the Doc sofa bunk bed is a game changer. The front flips up to become an upper bed, and a ladder folds out so you can climb up. It takes just seconds to set up.