The party has been in the forefront of struggles on everyday issues of people. Every worker caught in some problem piggybacks ...
The alternative is socialism, a society based on workers collectively owning and controlling the wealth their labor creates. We stand in the Marxist tradition, founded by Karl Marx and Frederick ...
What led me to socialism, for better or worse, was the Labour Party, an ever present entity in my life. My family always voted Labour, they always told me Labour was the party of the working class, ...
The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (United States) was adopted at the founding congress of the Socialist Equality Party in 2008. It traces essential ...
Far from anachronistic, Morris’s vision of socialism as a globe-spanning cooperative society based on freely undertaken, creative, ecologically sustainable work remains an urgent alternative to ...
A man hoisted a pre-made sign, "SOCIALISM BEATS FACISM!" Beneath the message, the name of the organization that paid for the sign’s production: Democratic Socialists of America. A pre-printed ...