Running along the basketball court or swimming across the pool, when, all of a sudden, we experience a sharp pain in our foot or leg. Muscle cramps are common, affect virtually everyone and are ...
One day, I noticed a pain in the back of my right leg that ... Is my baby OK? Did I pull a muscle in my leg? Did I sleep wrong? I started blaming myself. I convinced myself it was my fault for ...
It can range from mild to severe, depending on the cause. In some cases, leg pain is nothing to worry about and is due to a minor muscle strain. However, pain in the legs could also indicate ...
Finally other rarer causes of exercise induced leg pain are discussed, namely muscle hernia, popliteal artery entrapment syndrome, nerve entrapments and metabolic disorders.
Leg pain can be either injury related or overuse related. Leg injury in soccer players usually involves contusion from a direct blow or a muscle strain from a stretch type injury. Treatment is ...