said Delhi Police. Among the places that received these threats were Chanakya Mall, Select CityWalk, Ambience Mall, DLF, Cine Polis, Pacific Mall, Primus Hospital, and Unity Group. The emails ...
The video looks to be a news report showcasing the Nexus Select Citywalk mall as the best place to escape the pollution and smog of Delhi. As a woman speaks, there are scenes of Delhi and the mall ...
Traffic curbs will be in effect from 2pm around popular malls in Delhi's Saket, including Select Citywalk, as a large number of people are expected to visit. The Delhi Traffic Police has issued an ...
NEW DELHI, June 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- AstorMueller, one of Europe's leading shoe-making companies, celebrated the grand opening of their highly anticipated bugatti store at Select CITYWALK Mall ...
Sparsh CCTV, India’s leading brand in video surveillance and security solutions, hosted a special screening of the much-awaited movie Fateh, starring Sonu Sood, at Select City Walk, Delhi.