Assessments of environmental health and safety conditions in the University of Nevada, Reno laboratories will be conducted on a regular and continuing basis in order to evaluate compliance with ...
It is mandatory for peroxide-forming compounds to be labelled and that you test them at the appropriate interval (e.g., every 3 months, after opening and closing, etc…). Labels can be picked up at ...
Independent proficiency tests are an important tool for laboratories to show evidence of their performance and to ensure that their analytical results can be trusted. The IAEA provides substantial ...
The National Research Council, through its Board on Chemical Science and Technology and Board on Human Systems Integration, will examine laboratory safety in chemical research in non-industrial ...
but poor mental health stemming from a toxic lab culture will inevitably lead to scientists engaging in risky lab behavior to protect their psychological safety at the detriment of their physical ...
Hyundai Rotem announced on the 3rd that it has become the first to obtain the 'Excellent Research Laboratory Certification ...