What they're saying: The studies support native prairie restorations and encourage farmers to begin with grasses on low-productivity land or from buffer strips to existing fields. "The idea is ...
Essig, the artist, says the frontispiece of a rancher riding among the prairie grass is an invitation to come, explore and see this natural habitat. She hopes that the large format of images will ...
Back in 2003, a team of scientists from Iowa State University began to study how to best introduce conservation practices into working farmland without undermining the crop productivity of the ...
Wildlife Forever, a White Bear Lake, Minnesota-based conservation organization, received a state grant to develop four acres ...
We’ve come here for the flowers. Five adults and a small child — all prairie-dwellers, all happy to be out of the car and moving through knee-high grasses. Blossoms of yarrow, bergamot ...
Its center of distribution is in the tallgrass prairie where it may reach densities of one adult per square yard in unplowed native grassland. Its habitat consists primarily of tall grasses: big ...