But while polystyrene can be foamed easily, non-toxic semi-crystalline polymers, such as polypropylene (PP) and polylactic acid (PLA), only ... a measure of how much a material can expand when ...
VistaTek creates manufacturing company for specialty line to manufacture plates, bowls and other items from plant-based plastics. At major league ballparks across the country, teams are ...
Other abundant natural materials that may mined for nanomaterials include silk, collagen, chitin, chitosan and polylactic acid. Recently, much of the emphasis in nanotechnology has been on ...
Scientists have developed an artificial photosynthesis technology that produces precursors of biodegradable nylon from biomass-derived compounds and ammonia.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has sent a warning letter to Marlborough, Mass.-based medical technology company Hologic Inc. over concerns it hasn't done enough to prevent harm from a plastic ...