the plant is unaffected. No other thistle species in New Zealand is a perennial. Other species are either annuals or biennials, all with tap roots. Only the Californian thistle has horizontally ...
The carrot family contains an unexpectedly wide range of annuals, biennials, perennials ... and soak the plant thoroughly to encourage a fresh burst of attractive new leaves.
like perennial weeds, by forming multi-rosettes from buds located at the base of each leaf. Scotch thistle is commonly found in pastures, and also in orchards, lawns, waste areas and crops. As a ...
Canada thistle, a terrestrial herbaceous perennial in the Asteraceae family, is an open-land invasive that prefers disturbed upland areas as well as wet areas with water fluctuations. Canada thistle ...
is an invasive plant that prefers moist soils. European marsh thistle frequently invades fens, wetlands, and disturbed sites such as roadside ditches. Identifying features include: typically grows 2-7 ...