【导读】胰腺癌肝转移是导致预后不良的一个重要因素。肝转移中适应性免疫重塑的细节,尤其是中性粒细胞的作用,仍然难以捉摸。在这项研究中,单细胞测序与空间转录组学相结合的结果显示,与原发肿瘤相比,肝转移瘤表现出更具侵袭性的转录特征和更高水平的免疫抑制。20 ...
Nivolumab plus ipilimumab (N+I) in patients (pts) with pancreatic cancer (PC) with BRCA1/2 mutation (mut): Results from the Targeted Agent and Profiling Utilization Registry (TAPUR) study. Overall ...
Impact of neoadjuvant radiation therapy modalities on post-surgical lymphopenia in operable pancreatic cancer. Demographic characteristics of patients classified according to “two-two five-five” ...
Researchers sought to determine trends and future patterns for liver, pancreatic, colorectal, stomach, and esophageal cancers in the US.
Too much processed meat and not enough fruits and whole grains are the leading risk factors for diet-related GI cancers.
FLC is a rare liver cancer with unique genetic traits, often misdiagnosed until advanced. New research and a clinical trial ...
The American Cancer Society's annual cancer trend report shows cancer mortality is decreasing but cancer rates are increasing in young adults and women.
Solaiyappan et. al apply AI to analyze metabolic information contained in 1H magnetic resonance spectra to distinguish between pancreatic cancer and non-disease participants. This work presents a ...