Staring at the sun—a close (but safe) look at our home star ... a new idea to keep kids entertained? Try stargazing. Free learning activities and videos about the solar system Free learning ...
Child VO:What is The Solar System? Maddie Moate:The universe is vast. Serei:Vast means really, really big! Maddie Moate:There are a lot of stars in our Universe. And the Sun is a star thatgives ...
However, we actually have six in our Solar System. Pluto, Ceres, Makemake, Haumea, and Eris were the only five that we knew about up until very recently. Ceres is in the asteroid belt between Mars ...
NASA discovered and later confirmed the first interstellar object to enter our solar system. It wasn't aliens. But artist ...
The Solar System app is perfect for teaching young kids about Earth and the solar system through various activities. The app includes cartoon representations of the planets and their moons for ...