The robot uses a simple two axis gimbal for movement, which houses a small brushless RC airplane motor. The motor spins a rubber wheel at high speeds, which propels the robot in any direction at ...
which is aimed at changing the way both robots and people move. The Omni-Crawler’s movement is provided by Omni-Balls, an Osaka University creation that moves in all directions, not unlike a ...
I built this robot to learn about kinematics and for fun. ...
Arduino sketch code for a 3 Omni Wheel (also called Poly Wheel) based line follower robot. The physical structure for the robot chassis is based on an equalateral triangle base, with a single wheel on ...
One of the first decisions you need to make when designing a wheeled robot is what type of wheels to use. There are different types of wheels, such as standard, caster, omni, and mecanum ...