据IT之家了解,Nova Launcher 是一款深受用户喜爱的第三方桌面启动器,其高度可定制性一直以来备受好评,2022 年被数据分析公司 Branch Metrics 收购 ...
大名鼎鼎的 Android 启动器 Nova Launcher 日前被爆出重大消息,其创始人透露目前 Nova 整个开发团队全部被裁,唯一一名仍然负责全职开发的就是创始人 ...
My widget collection is getting out of hand. Here's how I got control of my home screen once more with Android widget stacking.
Thankfully he's had plenty of time to get to grips with Android launchers and make those phones his own You can't talk about the best Android launchers without a mention of Nova Launcher.