It's the epic NERF HEAVY WEAPONS GUY BATTLE! This video is titled NERF WAR: Kid vs Dad SHOWDOWN! The featured nerf gun in the video is the Nerf Double Punch blaster! Become a member! <a href ...
Armed police swarmed two boys who were playing with Nerf guns at a park. Officers wielding real guns rushed to the scene and yelled at the youngsters to get on the ground and put down their “weapons”, ...
It's the NERF WAR CLONES ... I TAKE YOUR NERF GUN Follow my Social Media MacDanny on TikTok: @macdannygun MacDanny on Instagram: @machinegundanny Ex-pizzaman who rescued 4 kids from house fire ...
A TikTok mom’s video showing her son modifying Nerf gun bullets with thumbtacks has gone viral, sparking heated debates about parenting and the “boys will be boys” mindset. The video ...