NASA has introduced a groundbreaking virtual simulator that offers an immersive experience of venturing close to a black hole. Crafted by astrophysicist Jeremy Schnittman at NASA's Goddard Space ...
Black holes that have been obscured by clouds of dust still emit infrared light, enabling astronomers to spot them for the ...
"Finding more supermassive black holes that are potentially hosting jets raises the question as to how these black holes grew ...
Researchers found far more hidden black holes than previously known, indicating plenty of behemoths lurking in thick clouds ...
NASA researchers combined years of data and new imaging techniques to learn more about a "tipped over" black hole that is moving in an unexpected way. The black hole is located in a galaxy called ...
Supermassive black holes typically rotate with the galactic plane, expelling X-rays perpendicular to the plane itself.
Now, though, NASA has actually watched a black hole eat a star. To get a good view of the event, NASA used multiple of its space telescopes to observe the black hole as it ate the star.
an associate professor the University of Maryland Baltimore County said in a NASA news release. After the outburst, the black hole appeared to return to a quiet state, with a lull in activity for ...
NASA researchers have discovered a perplexing case of a black hole that appears to be "tipped over," rotating in an unexpected direction relative to the galaxy surrounding it. That galaxy ...
Probing a distant galaxy like a "cosmic crime scene" with the Hubble Space Telescope after a "tip-off" from the Chandra X-ray telescope, NASA scientists have discovered a strange black hole that ...
The full Chandra image, with C4 circled in yellow. (NASA/CXC/SAO/D. Bogensberger et al.) It also has a very active supermassive black hole and is bursting with star formation, one of the closest ...