NASA has introduced a groundbreaking virtual simulator that offers an immersive experience of venturing close to a black hole. Crafted by astrophysicist Jeremy Schnittman at NASA's Goddard Space ...
Produced on a NASA supercomputer, the simulation tracks a camera as it approaches, briefly orbits, and then crosses the event horizon — the point of no return — of a monster black hole much ...
The same feat would take more than 10 years on a typical laptop. 360 Video: NASA Simulation Plunges Into a Black Hole The simulated destination is a supermassive black hole with 4.3 ...
Image source, NASA Image caption, The glowing structures shown around the black hole simulation are called photon rings There are lots of amazing effects happening in the video, with space and ...
Have you ever wondered what happens if you were to fall into a black hole? Thanks to cutting ... of the Discover supercomputer at NASA's Center for Climate Simulation, Schnittman and Powell ...
NASA researchers combined years of data and new imaging techniques to learn more about a "tipped over" black hole that is moving in an unexpected way. The black hole is located in a galaxy called ...
NASA researchers have discovered a perplexing case of a black hole that appears to be "tipped over," rotating in an unexpected direction relative to the galaxy surrounding it. That galaxy ...
Now, though, NASA has actually watched a black hole eat a star. To get a good view of the event, NASA used multiple of its space telescopes to observe the black hole as it ate the star.
A supermassive black hole surrounded by gas and dust as seen in infrared light (top left), visible light (top right), and low- and high-energy X-rays (bottom left, right). Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech ...
The full Chandra image, with C4 circled in yellow. (NASA/CXC/SAO/D. Bogensberger et al.) It also has a very active supermassive black hole and is bursting with star formation, one of the closest ...
Astronomers have used Nasa's Hubble Space Telescope to gain a unique view of a vast black hole that is powering a glowing ‘quasar’. The new Hubble view of the area around the black hole has revealed a ...