Modern Macs look and feel great, but sometimes I really miss the look and feel of retro Macs. Skeuomorphism, where digital ...
That’s exactly what Curved Labs did, imagining a perfect mix between the old Macintosh and today’s Macs, and creating a modern Macintosh that might impress computer buyers. FROM EARLIER ...
This is where the foundations of the modern Mac mini were laid, and the Cube is definitely a key part of Apple's computer history. Want the latest in tech and auto trends? Subscribe to our free ...
[Bbraun] has an old Macintosh SE computer. He was looking for a way to view the video output from the SE on a newer, modern computer. He ended up working out a pretty clever solution using a ...
The good news is that the Mac is still at the beginning of its latest journey. That makes this the perfect time to dive in, experiment, and take advantage of what the modern Mac has to offer. Keep an ...
Before Macintosh: The Apple Lisa opens with news footage of a local landfill. The truck drivers were paid a lot of money to dump all of the world’s remaining Lisa computers onto the ground and run ...