Marketing can be a powerful force. Here's how to ensure your marketing efforts are driving your industry toward good.
Below are examples of approved marketing campaigns that successfully ... UAB Marketing & Communications must approve all marketing and advertising efforts via the Marketing Approval System. This ...
For example, if you are prompting customers to ... A 1999 study by the US Department of Agriculture reported that generic dairy advertising between 1984 to 1997 raised fluid milk sales by about ...
In a world where advertising is everywhere, customers are growing increasingly savvy—and fed up—with sneaky marketing tactics designed to manipulate and mislead. From hidden fees and ...
Discover cutting-edge digital marketing strategies that have been successfully implemented by industry leaders. This article ...
Startups have many expenses. Here are five strategies to advertise a startup without straining limited financial resources.
After years of challenges securing funding, a new wave of advertising startups is raising ... investors to buy into their companies. For example, ID5 sells to brands and publishers an ID product ...
Not so today. In modern Russian advertising, women have taken on a new role: sex object. Ads being made in modern Russia look like the kind of thing we used to see in the U.S. in the early 1970s ...