Having these will help you move around easier. When your doctor or nurse will remove the drains depends on what lymph nodes you have had taken out. This may be a few days after having neck nodes ...
compared the results of ultrasound scans with the pathological findings from dissected lymph nodes of 19 patients who underwent neck surgery for DTC recurrence. Of 578 lymph nodes resected ...
You might have surgery to remove lymph nodes in your tummy (abdomen). These are called the retroperitoneal lymph nodes. This operation is called a retroperitoneal lymph node dissection. This is a ...
At MSK, breast cancer surgery and breast reconstruction often are done during the same procedure. During surgery, your doctor may also do a lymph node biopsy. This procedure lets them take a sample of ...
Intraoperative frozen biopsy and sentinel lymph nodes technique have not shown sufficient accuracy to avoid extended lymphadenectomy, due to the significant rates of skip lymphatic metastasis.
Lymphodema is a big issue for anyone at all who has had lymph nodes removed, and that could be ... it can be from head and neck cancers and you can get lymphodema in the face, so there's a lot ...