Children's show. Set against the stunning backdrop of North America's prairies, every episode tells a story of adventure as the little prairie dogs explore the world around them ...
The little prairie dogs stand on their hind legs, stretch their paws to the sky, and give out a high-pitched yelp. It’s a contagious action. When one does it, the whole group will follow suit.
Prairie dogs live in underground burrows, extensive warrens of tunnels and chambers marked by many mounds of packed earth at their surface entrances. Burrows have defined nurseries, sleeping ...
The black-tailed prairie dog is an intelligent, sociable rodent that's a keystone species in the prairie ecosystem it calls home. This precocious little mammal is perfectly suited to its environment, ...
But prairie dogs are in trouble. Much of their habitat has been lost to agriculture, and the southern part of their range is becoming too dry. Sterling Krank and her colleagues recently analyzed where ...
This animal's long slender body, like that of a weasel, enables it to crawl in and out of the holes and dwellings of its primary prey—the prairie dog. Though black-footed ferrets sometimes eat ...