Gandhinagar: In a shocking incident in Gujarat's Gandhinagar, a leopard hunted down a blackbuck after entering a jungle safari near the iconic Statue of Unity on January 1. What was more heartbreaking ...
A leopard entered the jungle safari near the iconic Statue of Unity in Gujarat and hunted a blackbuck. In the ensuing chaos, seven more blackbucks died due to "shock". The incident took place on the ...
A farmer discovered a 900-square-foot mosaic from the third century in his field in Turkey. Covered by a thin layer of soil, ...
The researchers analyzed five snow leopard fossil records from locations outside the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, including ...
Rare fossils challenge assumptions about how the big cats thrived in a challenging environment.
An international team of scientists has identified fossils of snow leopards for the first time. The discovery has allowed ...
What are the types of big cats? We've done the research! Jump in to read about which are the ultimate types of big cats!
Dibrugarh: Forest officials captured a leopard that had been prowling the premises of the Brahmaputra Valley Fertiliser ...
One The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt player, with hundreds of hours in the game, has come across a leopard in Beauclair that they had ...